Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Pop goes the Weasel

Nothing is more fun than driving to work on a monday. Why not add even more fun and toss in an overheated car with a nice boom!

Two days ago, on the way to work my car did what it does best, overheat but this time with flair. It made a small explosion on the passenger side. Looks like water so maybe from the radiator!? This is the third time I had to call a towing truck to rescue me from my overheated car. 

I don't understand why it keeps happening but I think it's time to fork over money and get myself a decent ride. My day proceeded to worsen as the address my trusty allstate agent gave me was faulty. So there I was sitting in the tow truck with the driver trying to find the location of the mechanics only to end up at a residential community. In the end, I was brought to Triple A and was back at work around 1pm. Come January I'm gonna save up for my down payment.  Unfortunately though, I'll have to put up with my little green weasel. Such is the trivial life of VikkiV~

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Chi Chi Chibi Pa

Hi Hi! I'm in such a great mood. Chibi Pa is just around the corner and I can't wait. As usual I'll be going with my good friend Nadine. I also discovered that two of my co-workers are frequent Chibi-Pans and hopefully will be meeting up. The more the merrier I say. 
Also this time I'm gonna dress up. Nothing big but I'm in the mood to let out my cosplay fantasy. After dressing up as Storm (X-Men) for Halloween I discovered that wearing a wig is fun! I hunted down this awesome purple wig on Amazon and I'm gonna rock it with this great mini hat Nadine got me for my birthday.  

Besides Chibi Pa, I also have to make a stop at the vet for Teddy and Lady's vaccines. It's gonna be a another fun ride with two scared-out-of-their minds kittens. I honestly feel bad for my feline babies but it has gotta be done. The only downfall is that the vet is in Boca, the same city as Chibi Pa but I will have to make two trips to drop off the kitties and pick up my friend (I live an hour away). Not very efficient but such is the trival life of VikkiV~